Photo Friday: Tucson area hikes

I'm catching up on photo edits again, and have some shots from some of the hikes I did around Tucson last month. It's such a contrast from Seattle's winter landscape! The next afternoon after arriving I went for a short hike with a friend up the very popular Sabino Canyon. We were so busy talking and catching up that I pretty much forgot to shoot photos, but did capture this, one of the most graphic warning signs I've seen (I kind of collect interesting signs). "If you aren't careful you will ruin your bike and fly off the bridge to land on the rocks below and die." A day or so later I went to the local "A Mountain" (not just a mountain, but the one with the big white A for the University of Arizona) for a bit of trail-running (heavily mixed with walking). That offered some good views of the city. Tucson, with Saguaros. People below me are sitting on the big A. A third hike was out by the Sonoran Desert Museum, in the National Park's West Uni...