Writer’s Wednesday: 2018 Year in Review

I should have done this last week, but I didn’t think of it in time (I’m still having issues with editing posts on the iPad; apparently it simply can’t be done—another reason to shift to Wordpress, which I may try to do next month when we are more settled and I have access to the laptop a bit more). In any case, this will help you know I’m still alive out here having a blast in New Zealand. Here’s the view from the Glentanner Motor Camp by Mt. Cook, where I wrote this post on New Year’s Day, following a lovely hike. First, I want to say that I have at least made a start on a story for the February WEP Challenge, and should be able to handle producing that much. Now for 2018 in review, as best I can recall: Published: —Death By Adverb , #3 in the Pismawallops PTA mystery series —“The Tide Waits” in Tick Tock, A Stitch in Crime, the 2018 IWSG anthology. Submissions: —Two stories, one several times before deciding it wasn’t good enough for the job at hand. Written: —15 flash-fiction piece...