
Showing posts with the label live appearances

Come meet me in person!

If you're in the Portland area, here's your big chance to meet the author (me!) and pose those awkward questions you've been dying to ask. You know, like how much chocolate does it take to write a mystery novel, and why do characters in books so seldom need a lady's room? (Actually, that's one I'd like to know. Sometimes they just seem to hold it for days!) Come to the Words and Wine event at Hip Chicks Do Wine in Portland!   I'll be sharing a table with Ellen Jacobson, author of the hilarious Molly McGhie cozy sailing mysteries, the "Smitten by Travel" rom-com novels, and the new North Dakota library mysteries, so you'll get a two-fer! Other local authors will also be present, so there's sure to be something for everyone. Can't make this one? Look for me on June 29 at the NIWA (Northwest Independent Writers' Association) booth at Pride in the Park ( 4 975 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR , or on July 19 at the NW Book Fair ( 600 Hathewa...