Friday Flash: Replay

The Ninja Librarian has gone hiking again (or still, depending on when you last visited). So we're having Friday a bit early. This one's from April 2014 and might help answer the question of what I'm doing out there... Pete the Peak-Bagging Pika This is a pika. He would be just a bit large to hold in your hand . He's also a wild animal, so if you see one, treat him with res pect and don't try to pick him up. Pika Pete wasn't like the other pikas. Oh, they all liked the rocky talus slopes high up on the mountains. But for most of them it was enough to find a burrow near an alpine meadow where they could harvest their winter provisions and watch the seasons change from the front porch. Pete was different. Pete would sit on his front porch and, instead of looking down over the meadow and thinking about eating grass and harvesting stalks of delicious flowers, and preparing for winter, he would look up at the high peaks and dream about climbing them. He ...