Happy Solstice! ...and my year in books

The longest night of the year, and the turn to more light. I can't wait. Even living as far south as I do, the winter days are too dark and too short! Though the last lights off the black west went Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs. (Those captions are from Gerard Manley Hopkins, "God's Grandeur"). And with that for the nod to the solstice, a little year-end fun. This blob will be a bit spotty in the next week or two, so this is my reading round-up, with a little help from Bruce's Shelfies at The Bookshelf Gargoyle : My year in books. Take these answers in the spirit intended, and check out Bruce's year! If you want to join the fun, just be sure to give the Gargoyle due credit. I'll give a nod as well to Jemima Pett who called my attention to it! So far, I would describe this year as being: Between Planets I’m tipping that the next big thing in Reality TV shows will be: The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu I could have cried when: Summerl...