IWSG: On not writing

This month's IWSG Question: What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published? So before I get into my main topic, I'll see if I can answer this. Of course, there was the epic "Look into the Future" I wrote in grade school, in which I featured as a genius with a horse farm, thereby showing up my big brother and getting the horses I was crazy about, all in one. Other more sophisticated (but still rather puerile) stories and novellas followed in high school. My first real novel--the first to get close enough that I (rather naively) shopped it to agents--was a mystery novel about bike messengers in Seattle called Dispatched to Death . Coincidentally, I was working as a messenger at the time...and though I retain a fondness for the book, that one will remain in my files. Okay, on to the main bit of insecurity, which hasn't really changed from last month: I'm not writing. I know the reason f...