Friday Flash: The Devil's in the Details

After his long hiatus from issuing flash fiction challenges (only partly responsible for mine from writing flash fiction), Chuck Wendig is back, and urging us, appropriately enough, to write a story about a vacation . Any genre, up to 1500 words. My tale wrapped up in a bit over half of that. I probably should practice writing longer stories, but that's what came out. Genre is somewhere between humor and horror? The Devil’s in the Details “Watch your step as you exit the bus. The ground may be uneven or extremely hot. Watch your step…” The guide droned on, words and intonation exactly the same as each person stepped down out of the tour bus. He seemed unaffected by the exclamations of the tourists. “It’s sure hot here!” “Hope the hotel has AC.” “Darling, I don’t know…” “Well you said you wanted to go someplace warm.” The man and woman, dressed in plaid Bermuda shorts (him) and a hibiscus-print sundress (her) clutched each other’s arms as they looked around the blasted volcanic land...