Photo Friday: Wildflowers, Alpine Edition

A month or so back I did a wildflower post focused on desert wildflowers, and promised to get to the alpine flowers in another post. Then I got distracted... so here is a collection of alpine flowers from the Washington Cascades and a few from the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. These first 2 are more sub-alpine flowers, found in the forests. I'm not actually sure what this is. This is a saprophyte--it gets nutrients from the soil, not photosynthesis. This one grows in wet places, both above and below tree line, and in both mountain ranges. Shooting star. In fact, most of these flowers grow in both the Cascades and the Sierra, though some show variations between. This one, I think, is Cascades only. At least, I don't think I've seen it in the Sierra. Pasque flower. The gone-to-seed stage. Believe it or not, this is the same flower, in bloom. I wish I had a picture of the in-between stage, because it looks totally different again. Sadly, none of those shots cam...