IWSG: The best Beta-partner? & Writer's Update

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means IWSG posting! Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! The awesome co-hosts for the September 2 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, J Lenni Dorner, Deniz Bevan, Kim Lajevardi, Natalie Aguirre, and Louise - Fundy Blue! Every month there is an OPTIONAL question: September 2 question - If you could choose one author, living or dead, to be your beta partner, who would it be and why? *** I've had some fun thinking about who I'd like to have as my beta partner. I mean, I already have some of the best, members of this group with a keen eye to plot and prose. But what could I learn from Dorothy Sayers or Agatha Christie? Maybe not as much as I think. I love their books, but there's no denying their wr...