Friday flash-fiction flashback
Ugh. My hopes of having an original post for this weekend flew away as I spent the first half of the week down with fever and cough (flu, I think, breaking through the vaccine), and am now in the middle of helping my daughter move. But have no fear! I found you another old story I think you'll enjoy. It's just a sweet tale of false assumptions, and maybe just a little snarky feminism :D Georgie and the Dragon Lady The residents of Oakblossom Lane all knew her, and she kept them in line. There were two or three cranky old guys who sat on their front porches and hollered, “get off my lawn!’ but they inspired none of the awe the Dragon Lady commanded. The children mocked the old guys. They didn’t mock Mrs. DuMont. “Mom says she’s ruled this street since Adam was a pup.” “I don’t know any dogs named Adam.” Georgie fixed Alec with a disdainful sneer. “Don’t you know anything ? Adam was the first man.” “First man on Oak...